Friday, March 26, 2010

March Grocery Budget

I am actually feeling pretty good about my March grocery budget. This is the first time in my life that I have actually followed a grocery budget and I was able to buy many things that I have or will use to bless others. I included all of the money I spent and didn't take into account the rebates that I will get back.

Next month I am going to do it a little different. How many of you find it really easy to swipe that debit card? Well, I started out the month just using cash but ended up using the dreaded debit card yesterday. I am really starting to feel that it's just as bad as a credit card especially when I come home and balance the checking account. I look back on March's registry and I have several debits which I should have done with cash. These really add up!

I still believe that we can get all we need with $200/month. I'm going to stick with this and see what happens in April.



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