Friday, March 19, 2010


I thought it would be fun to let you know a little about me and why I started this blog. I am a middle age (ouch) mom of 2 boys and a girl who are in their twenties. I am a proud grandma to Cash Aaron who is currently 8 months old. I have been married to my husband Mark for 27 years. We live in south west Michigan and I work at a local hospital as a C.T. Technologist where I've worked for the past 18 years.

My first priority is my personal relationship with Jesus. My husband and I are trying to live a life so that we show our love of Him in our actions. Mark and I both love to give and have a heart for helping others. We have hosted many people from other countries in our home over the years. We have a home with an "open door" policy and love to have family and friends gather around our kitchen table. I have a heart for children and orphans and continue to look for ways God wants me to use this call he has placed in my heart.

I have been blogging for several years but my previous blogs were about our adoption journey. I started this blog after Mark and I had a conversation about our finances and how we needed to get things in order. After our international adoption fell through last August we found ourselves uncomfortable/panicky with the amount of debt we had accumulated. We had taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University a year ago and KNEW we needed to implement his plan. I started this blog as a means for me to be accountable. I have never been good at making or following a budget and I knew that I needed something to help me keep with it. I have always thought I could work harder and earn more and keep up with our spending. I have found myself unbalanced doing this and know that we need to follow a budget immediately.

I came up with the name of my blog because of the season's of life we all go through. I am currently in the grandma season and loving it. Mark and I are working towards the season in our lives where we can build our retirement home on property that we have purchased in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We can't do this until our debt is paid off and our retirement accounts are in order.

Now for the fun stuff. I have had an absolute blast going and doing the deals. It's like a treasure hunt for me. I am able to meet the need I have for giving by getting the deals that are really cheap or free and being able to have things to bless others with. I have accumulated a huge coupon stash and I am constantly on the other blogs to see if there are any new deals. My husband calls couponing my new hobby. My friends think I'm a little addicted. I acknowledge the addiction and don't want help!

I hope that you enjoy my site and that I can help you in some way so that you can achieve financial freedom like we are trying to do.

Many Blessings,



traveler said...

Proud of you! I love your blog and think it is helpful as well as creative. GO GIRL!
Becky Howell

Wendy said...

Stopping by via Sharpen your scissors tonight! I am a fellow Michigan Blogger as well and wanted to say hi. I am now following you too!

Wendy at Money Saving Mama in Michigan

Paula Wethington said...

Hi! I also saw your link on Sharpen Your Scissors. I have you on my Michigan blog list now.


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