Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Family Traditions/Easter.....ENTER GIVEAWAY

I just love looking back on the years of raising my children and hear them talking about things that we did as a family that became "ours". One of the things I would like to share with you that our family did each year for 15 years is our annual Easter Egg Hunt. It started when our second son was an infant and I had many friends that had little ones. The first year we had cake and koolaid and each family brought a dozen plastic eggs for us to hide in the yard. From there it progressed/grew to over 2000 plastic candy filled eggs and over 300 attendees 100 which were th children. As our hunt grew we stuffed the eggs with candy that the families donated or we purchased. We accumulated over 2000 plastic eggs that we recycled each year. We had pony rides, face painting, egg tosses, pie eating contests,live lambs to pet and chicks for the kids to see. We supplied burgers and dogs and each family brought a dish to pass. We also did a tug of war between the children and adults and the children won most years. We always did our Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter. Many people attended that we didn't even know but they had heard about our day from friends and family. This was an opportunity for us to offer a fun filled "family" day to people in our community. Our kids are asking us if we will restart it now that we have a grandchild. Actually, my sister and I are going to be in Florida with our grandbabies the week before Easter and I've already talked to her about having a hunt. In honor of this family tradition I am giving away a box of candy filled plastic Easter Eggs to 2 of my readers. Leave me a comment about your family Easter traditions and you will be entered into my giveaway. I will do a random drawing on Saturday, March 13th.


taxchyk said...

Since I first bought a house I had the Easter Egg hunt tradition. Now it has gone to my grandson and his cousins, who happily tromp through the yard searching ever so diligently for missing eggs. taxchyk (at) gmail (dot) com

Amanda said...

We also have an Easter egg hunt each year. We always let the kids dye eggs to hide along with plastic candy-filled ones. After the hunt, we have a big Easter dinner of ham, potato salad, and various other sides and carrot cake for dessert.


JuliaGulia said...

My favorite Easter tradition growing up was the Easter bunny hiding our baskets for each of us... then my parents would play "hot/cold" with us until we found it!

Connie said...

We always have an Easter egg hunt. Mostly family but sometimes friends and neighbors come to hunt also. We have a variety of plastic and real eggs.

cheflisa said...

We still do baskets( my children are now adults.
)I started doing a basket for my husband and yes he makes one for me. We still hide them .we also make one for grandmas and grandpas

JoAnn said...

I love to see the kids hunting for easter eggs.

Military-Stay-At-Home-Dad said...

Yes, the kids always won the tug-of-war

Unknown said...

That is so sweet!


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